Here I'll talk about 3 things about connections:
Top Triggers of Blocks
To see how they will connect or not, the SCDW mod must be installed.
The second triggers on top of some blocks annoyed me for a long time. Lately I discovered when will they connect.
A top trigger only connects when it is isolated from bottom triggers. A top trigger doesn't connect when it is overlapping with a bottom trigger. |
Note that overlapped top triggers still connect.
Brace's End Node
The End node is the all sticking node while the start node connects to only one block.
End node connects everything within it. This characteristic helps cutting block count and making stronger connection.
an end node connects everything within its trigger |
the 2 braces bracing on the right is equivalent to that 6-brace one on the left |
hold the airframe together with end nodes, like spot welding |
If the node isn't connected, it sticks the first block it touches in the simulation.
There are cars on the workshop use this method to connect the body to the chassis on starting simulation start, which can prevent the bracecubes messing up with the mechanisms |
Small Scale Connection Strength Comparison of Brace & Blocks
When blocks are small, they sometimes get flimsy and wobbly even when they are held by lots of braces. The best thing I do to fix that is to make the blocks connect to another block instead of solely held by braces. Then increase the mass if it's a ballast or scaling block.